Why Is It Bad Luck To Leave A Hat On The Bed

Throwing the hat on the bed is a sign of intimacy.
Why is it bad luck to leave a hat on the bed. In the deep woods its a sure bringer of bad luck. Putting a hat on the bed would cause these pesky bugs to spread. It brings you both bad luck and if someone is sleeping on the bed you could sweep away their dreams.
Stetson Gus Legendary Old West Hat 2. Getting into your bed on the wrong side. In some other places the bed usually in the same single room as most of the other furniture is the rightful place for a large group of guests to lay their hats and coats.
Cowboy superstition Invokes bad luck injury or death. The chemical would either kill them or make them crazy. Cowboys believe that if they put their hat on their bed bad luck will fall on them and they will lose their next rodeo.
While many people may laugh others still believe placing your hat on the bed will bring bad luck. My mother was passed down this superstition from her mother who has plenty of superstitions from growing up in London. According to folklore from the Pacific Northwest its bad luck for you and your family to leave the house through a different door.
My Filipino grandfather would wear a hat everyday and had a place to hang all his hats. I made the mistake of putting my ball. If Im with friends and they place a hat on a bed I will always be aware of it but wont say anything because I dont want to impose but it does make me nervous.
Placing a hat on a table or bed. At best putting a hat on a bed is said to invite mischievous bad luck or foretell an argument. Never leave your hat on the bed I grew up in a superstitious family and this one was taught to me very early in life.