What Is Leap Year In Hindi

What is leap year in hindi. Know answers of question. Leap Year Meaning in Hindi What is Leap Year in Hindi लप वरष एक अतरकत दन क सथ एक. Leap Year व year हत ह जसम 365 क बजय 366 Days हत ह इस year म 29 February calendar म जड जत ह Leap year हर चर सल म एक बर आत ह Leap year इसलए हत ह कयक पथव क सरज क एक चककर लगन क लए 365 days 6 hours लगत ह.
29 days in February Leap Years in Hindi हर चथ सल म फ़रवर क महन म एक दन और जड़ जत ह जसस 29 दन ह जत ह. What is Leap Day in Hindi.
The extra day is the 29th February. The plot later kept taking a leap of 20 years quite frequently before the show ended.
Leap year meaning in Hindi हनद म मनग is ब सल जस म ३६५ दन हत हEnglish definition of Leap year.
The show is still considered to be one of the most watched Indian TV show of all time.
Leap Year. 12 Hindu mas masa is equal to approximate 356 days while solar year have 365 or 366 in leap year which create difference of 9 to 10 days which is offset every 3rd year. Leap Year meaning in hindi.