Hat Matrix Formula

Der nachste Schritt ist das Ausmultiplizieren der Matrizen.
Hat matrix formula. The relationship between leverage and Mahalanobis distance enables us to decompose leverage into meaningful components so that some sources of high leverage can be investigated analytically. The hat matrix H is defined in terms of the data matrix X. This shows that the.
The predicted values ybcan then be written as by X b XXT X 1XT y. Diese Formel berechnet beispielsweise den Gesamtwert einer Matrix aus Aktienkursen und Anteilen und setzt das Ergebnis in die Zelle neben Gesamtwert. Der 1Eigenvektor ergibt sich aus folgender Gleichung.
Its usually called the hat matrix for obvious reasons or if we want to sound more respectable the in uence matrix. First I just manually calculated H using the definition of the hat matrix. The hat matrix H is defined in terms of the data matrix X.
Therefore the hat matrix is given by. Properties and Interpretation Week 5 Lecture 1 1 Hat Matrix 11 From Observed to Fitted Values The OLS estimator was found to be given by the p 1 vector b XT X 1XT y. Nun wollen wir die 3 Eigenvektoren der Matrix A bestimmen.
A B A 1 B. I am interested in calculating the hat matrix H for a linear regression model so that I can get the leverage values from the diagonal of H. λ 1 0.
Lets look at some of the properties of the hat matrix. The regression residuals can be written in different ways as y yˆ y Xβˆ y Hy IHy 23. Math 261A - Spring 2012 M.